Creating Emotionally Healthy Humans, One Family At A Time


Creating Emotionally Healthy Humans, One Family At A Time


Creating Emotionally Healthy Humans, One Family At A Time


Creating Emotionally Healthy Humans, One Family At A Time


Creating Emotionally Healthy Humans, One Family At A Time

Parenting Is No Simple Task

Our parenting style profoundly impacts our children's growth. When we emphasize emotional awareness, we nurture strong bonds and encourage our little humans to contribute positively to society. This approach helps them develop empathy, social skills, and resilience, preparing them to navigate life's complexities confidently. Resolving conflicts with emotional understanding strengthens family bonds and teaches valuable life skills. Ultimately, this supportive approach promotes mental well-being, builds strong relationships, and shapes compassionate individuals who can make a positive difference in their communities.

My Mission

During my two decades as an international educator, I have developed a passion for social and emotional learning that drives me to empower parents globally. I strive to cultivate emotionally healthy homes and reduce the chaos of parenting by providing tools to raise resilient, confident, and kind kids. My mission is to create emotionally healthy humans, one family at a time, shaping a brighter future for humankind.

It All Starts With You

Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's emotional well-being. With valuable insights and practical tools, you become the architects of a positive family environment. By learning to model emotional understanding, resilience, and effective communication, you help your children navigate life's challenges with grace. Investing in your own growth enhances your personal well-being and empowers you to intentionally guide your children to become emotionally healthy individuals. Your empowerment creates a ripple effect, positively influencing the next generation.


Become the parent you want to be!

  • "Your knowledge and expertise has transformed our household."

    Jeanette - Mum of 2 in Sydney Australia

  • "A lifeline for parents who want to raise successful and capable humans."

    David and Lisa - Parents of 3 in Paris, France

  • "Shannon and Instill Your Life make me a better friend, spouse, parent and human-being!"

    Angie - Mom of 2 in Lincoln, Nebraska

  • "The Blueprint for Burned-Out Mamas is a transformative program!"

    Andrea - Single Mum of 3 in Wellington, New Zealand

  • "I am so glad I took this course, thank you!"

    Michael - Father of 4 in Singapore


Make An Investment In Your Family’s Future

Embarking on a parenting journey free from yelling, constant directives, and punishments begins with your own actions.

Parenting is undeniably demanding, often leaving you feeling exhausted and, at times, even a bit overwhelmed. The advice to "cherish every moment" is well-intentioned, yet you find it hard to fully embrace amidst the challenges. Understanding the sentiment, you're left with a lingering sense of guilt for not being able to savor each moment as much as you'd like.

  • Every day presents new challenges.

  • Children throw tantrums, and it feels like they never listen.

  • Tooth brushing is a constant battle; picky eating turns meals into daily drama.

  • Screen-time sparks endless arguments.

  • Amidst the challenges, there's an unwavering commitment to creating a home filled with love and understanding.

  • The laundry is an eternal task; quiet moments are elusive even behind a closet door.

  • Sleep is a luxury you rarely enjoy.

  • Balancing the chaos of parenting has become an ongoing struggle.

  • Frequent bouts of losing your temper have become all too common, and you dislike the person you become in those moments.

  • You don't want to yell at your child, but it feels like nothing else is effective.

  • You're striving to be the best parent possible, consciously avoiding the patterns you experienced in your own upbringing.

  • Bedtime is a recurring battlefield.

The Cause of Your Perceived Failure May Surprise You!

  • It's not because you lack dedication or effort

  • It's not because your child is inherently difficult

  • It's not because your commitment is insufficient

  • It's not because you're a "bad parent"